Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4 Sleeps!

Holy crap! It's happening! This week!!  I am going to marry the most wonderful man in the entire world!! :)

Only 4 more sleeps!  Or, as one of my students told me, 3 more sleeps because I won't be sleeping the night before! She is probably right!

I am so excited!! I am also nervous. It's the good kind of nervous though... well, except for the upset tummy, the fluctuating high and low blood pressure and the wanting to throw up every couple of hours.  Does every bride go through this?? :) 

So, what's left to do? Tomorrow we have the rehearsal on site. I also get my eyebrows and eyelashes done after work (never had either done before...). Thursday I get my nails done, and go shopping (coz it's pay day) for a few essential things I need to get before we head off to Tasmania on Monday. I will also get my engagement ring polished and pop in and see Dave's sister Sarah so she can give my glasses a good clean (handy that she works at an optometrist!).  Friday is packing for the stay at Mum and Dad's Friday night and for Saturday night at the hotel.  Friday also sees us setting up the reception room after having dinner with the family first.

And that's it. We are on the home stretch now!

Oh and for those following my craft stories, I've finished!! I finished a couple of hours ago!! YAY!!  Go me!!  Can't do anything else until I get to the venue and start setting up on Friday night... then I might make some slight alterations...

I suspect the next post will be after the wedding. Watch this space for a run down of events and some photos :)

Sunday, April 01, 2012

13 Days! Crazy!!!!

I have somewhat neglected the blog of late. Work has been hectic, and with trying to sort out the final bits and pieces of the wedding, I have been coming home most nights, flopping onto the couch and working on my impression of a comatose lump! As much as I love my job and as much as I am looking forward to the wedding and the honeymoon, I am also looking forward to the 21st of April when I can start to relax again!! :)

So much has been happening. Everything, except a few little bits and pieces, has been organised. I picked up my dress on Thursday and it is so totally amazing! Emma has had her calico fitting and will have her first fitting this Thursday (as she is 7 months pregnant her dress has been left until the last minute to allow for bub to grow).  We have had the hair trial and I am so happy with what Maria is doing for both Emma and I (thanks Maria!!).  Dave is just trying to hunt down a shirt for the best man and some cuff links and then the boys will be all sorted.

The makeup trial is on Tuesday night. I am looking forward to that :)

We had a meeting with the reception venue a week or so ago. They too are awesome. They are going to have the room set up by 5pm the night before the wedding so we can go in and set up the decorations (which I have ALMOST finished making! YAY!) - they basically put a line though the Friday night in the book so no bookings could be made.

The boys had their bucks night. I don't know much about it. I know they were bright eyed and bushy tailed when I dropped a few of them off at the train station on the Saturday morning (they went to Sydney) and when I picked them up again on Sunday afternoon they were somewhat less bright eyed and bushy tailed!  But from all accounts it sounds like they had a good time.

I had my hen's night last night. It was awesome. I have wonderful friends and I especially have a wonderful 'best woman' in Emma. She hosted it and organised it all, to the point that I really had no idea what was going on - it was all a surprise. I am somewhat hungover today, and typing this post is proving to be a little difficult - I think I have caught all my typos... I apologise for any that you have encountered!

So, 13 days. At the end of next week David and I are getting married. Wow!  It is blowing my mind that it has come around so fast. But I am excited and I can't wait start introducing myself as Melissa Plush!! :)